Saturday, August 22, 2009

UCF makes moves. Space moves.

The first UCF graduate, Nicole Stott, is about to take flight this Tuesday. Not only is she the first Knight in space, but she will also be the first mom to live at the International Space Station. Check out the article/video while I try to get Kid Cudi's Man on the Moon out of my head. Fitting, right?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Oh Plaxico...

Bahaha, this goon shot himself in the leg at a New York club and is now facing up to three and a half years. Sentencing isn't until September 22, but word on the street is that he's looking at a 2 year prison sentence. Wait, so is that considered a victimless crime? Personally, I think its a little harsh, considering he has 7845 career receiving yards and HE SHOT HIMSELF IN THE LEG for fucks sake.


If you've never heard of, you're welcome. It's a deal a day website where they sell random shit at ridiculously low prices. Today they have a $180.00 MSRP camcorder for $69.99 bucks, tomorrow it might be a remote control car, or a stuffed monkey. Check out what they've sold recently here. Make it a part of your morning routine.

What to Watch: Yes Men Fix the World.

Caught this on HBO On Demand the other day. This epic jokester duo play HUGE mass media pranks on large corporations to comedically exploit catastrophes that are happening everyday around the world, blind to the American consumer. The moral of the story: a lot of the world's problems wouldn't happen if big business did their part. Check out the trailer on YouTube here.

Birdman- Money to Blow (Ft. Lil. Wayne, Drake)

This track just dropped today, its been anticipated for over a year now according to DJ Rockstar and DJ Ill Will, song leakers extraordinaire. I'm expecting it to be on the radio, or my Top 25 Most Played at the least. Drake is not pictured because he is a sell out, Degrassi Canadian bitch, eh?